2018年学术报告通知(一):Ahmed Abu-Siada-Intelligent Techniques for Power Transformer/Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring for Future Smart Grids
报告题目:IntelligentTechniques for Power Transformer/Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring for FutureSmart Grids 报告人:AhmedAbu-Siada 报告人单位:Curtin University, Australia 报告时间: 报告地点:西校区电气A101 参加对象:相关老师、研究生,及大四本科生 注意事项:参加讲座的教师和同学,请提前10分钟入场,讲座过程中将通讯工具调为静音,保持会场安静。 报告人简介:AhmedAbu-Siada (M’07, SM’12) received his PhD degree from Curtin University,Australia, in Electrical Engineering. Currently he is an associate professor inthe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Curtin University. Hisresearch interests include power system stability, condition monitoring, powerelectronics and power quality. He is Editor-in-Chief of the internationaljournal Electrical and Electronic Engineering, regular reviewer for variousIEEE Transactions. He is vice-chair of the IEEE Computation IntelligenceSociety, WA Chapter. 报告内容简介:Powertransformer/wind turbine will play significant role in the future smart gridtopologies. To maintain these assets within the expected harsh operationalenvironment, reliable and intelligent condition monitoring techniques should beadopted. While there are several techniques currently used by industry tomonitor the condition of power transformers based on its insulting system anddiagnose any existing faults, most of these techniques are either offlineand/or exhibit inconsistent interpretation process. This presentation will cover current industrypractice to monitor the condition of the insulation system along with windingmechanical integrity. Limitation of current measurement/interpretationtechniques will be highlighted. Research direction to overcome theselimitations will be also presented.
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2018年学术报告通知(二)Jiangfeng Zhang:Hybr...
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