报告题目:Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Case Studies 报告人:Ahmed Abu-Siada 报告人单位: 时间: 报告地点:西校区电气A104 参加对象:相关老师、研究生,及大四本科生 注意事项:参加讲座的教师和同学,请提前5分钟入场,讲座过程中将通讯工具调为静音,保持会场安静。 报告人简介:Ahmed Abu-Siada (M’07, SM’12) received his PhD degree from 报告内容简介:The concept of FACTS (flexible ac transmission systems) was envisioned in the late of 1980s. The technology consists of a variety of power electronic devices with the aim of controlling both power and voltage at a certain location of the electricity grids during disturbances. In general, the FACTS devices were invented to improve the existing transmission line capacity and provide a controllable power flow for a selected transmission direction. In this presentation some case studies for SMES, UPFC and STATCOM and their applications in power systems will be covered. |
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