2020年海外专家系列学术讲座(一)Changsong Zhou: Complex Connectivity and Activity in the Brain and Relevance to Brain Function and Disorder
讲座题目(Title of Lecture):Complex Connectivity and Activity in the Brain and Relevance to Brain Function and Disorder
讲座时间(Time of Lecture):12月15日 下午 3:00-4:30
讲座地点(Site of Lecture):腾讯会议 ID: 256 381 263
主讲人(Lecturer):Professor Changsong Zhou,Hong Kong Baptist University
报告人简介(Introduction of Lecturer):
Dr. Changsong Zhou, Professor, Department of Physics, Director of Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). He obtained his PhD degree at Nankai University, and served as Postdoctoral Fellow at National University of Singapore (1997-1999), Visiting Research Scholar at HKBU (1999-2000) and Humboldt Research Fellow and Research Scientist at University of Potsdam, Germany (2000-2007). He joined HKBU as Assistant Professor in 2007 and received HKBU President’s Award for Outstanding Young Researcher 2011. Dr. Zhou’s research interest is dynamical processes on complex systems. His current emphasis is on analysis and modeling connectivity and activity in neural systems in collaboration with experimental neuroscientists, using the approaches of oscillatory dynamics networks and covering broad scales from network of excitatory-inhibitory neurons to interacting functional brain regions and functional EEG and cognitive variability and disorders. He has published over 130 research papers in interdisciplinary journals and his work has received citations over 9200 (h-index 39) in SCI and over 14600 in Google Scholar (h-index 47). He currently serves as Academic Editors of Scientific Reports, PLoS One and Cognitive Neurodynamics.
讲座内容(Content of Lecture):
The grand challenge of our time is to understand how “brains work and go wrong”. Brain performs functions based on complex activity patterns organized on a complex anatomical network. Understanding large-scale complex brain network and dynamics patterns underlying variable individuals’ cognitive behaviour, either typically or pathologically, is the core challenge in neurocognitive research. The study of continuous spectra of typical and atypical individual differences has high relevance regarding early screening and diagnosis of disorders to apply prevention and treatment. In this talk, I will give an introduction of the studies of brain dynamical activity, network connectivity, cognitive performance and brain disorders from the physical science perspective of complex dynamical network systems. Especially, network-based dynamical variability could be sensitive biomarkers to reflect alteration in brain structure and physiology underlying disorder risks. Our own ongoing research projects and preliminary results on the study of complex brain connectivity and activity on individual differences and disorder risks will be briefly introduced.
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