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2019年学术报告通知(六)Matthew M. Peet:Developed Partial-Integral Equation (PIE) Representation of Time-Delay Systems (TDS)

2019年06月14日 08:31    贾周圣      点击:[]


报告题目(Title):Developed Partial-Integral Equation (PIE) Representation of Time-Delay Systems (TDS)

报告人:Matthew M. Peet

报告人单位:Arizona State University, US

报告时间:2019年6月18日 上午10:30


报告人简介:Matthew Peet is an Associate Professor at Arizona State University. He received B.Sci. degrees in Physics and in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1999 and the M.Sci. and Ph.D. degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University in 2006. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at INRIA from 2006-2008. From 2008-2012 he was an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He has been with Arizona State University (ASU) since 2012 in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Prof. Peet has worked extensively on LMI and SOS methods, with over 80 publications in this area, including the first publications on SOS for both delayed and PDE systems.


In this talk, he will present the recently developed Partial-Integral Equation (PIE) Representation of Time-Delay Systems (TDS). Specifically, the PIE framework is an algebraic representation of the delay system which allows us to generalize LMIs developed for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) to Time-Delay Systems without the use of Jensen’s inequality, Wirtinger’sInequality, integration by parts, or any of the commonly used techniques for analysis of Time-Delay Systems.

First the PIE representation of a TDS and the associated operator algebraare present, with associated Matlab implementation. Then it is shown how to transform the LMI for H-infty gain into an operator inequality which is solved using our recently developed Matlab toolbox. Next, LMIfor H-infty optimal Controller Synthesis  and optimal observer synthesis are converted into an operator Inequality,respectivelyand the corresponding implementation numerically are demonstrated. Finally, observers and controllers are combined into a dynamic output-feedback controller design and simulate the results.


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